Mary Eliza Johnson1,2

#25581, b. 28 December 1850, d. 2 September 1918
     Mary Eliza Johnson was born on 28 December 1850 in Indiana, USA.3,4 She was the daughter of James Cloud Johnson and Elizabeth Hargitt.3,4,5 She married Jesse M. Passwaters on 16 August 1871 in McLean County, Illinois, USA.1 She married John P. Passwaters.2 She died on 2 September 1918 in Greenwood, Jackson County, Missouri, USA, at age 67.3 She was buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Cass County, Missouri, USA.2
     Mary Johnston (age 10) was enumerated in the census on 16 August 1860 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, in the household of James C. Johnston.4 Mary E. Johnson (age 19) was enumerated in the census on 2 July 1870 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, in the household of James C. Johnson.5 Mary Passwaters (sister, age 29) was enumerated in the census on 3 June 1880 in Pleasant Hill Township, Cass County, Missouri, USA, in the household of George S. Johnson.6 Mollie Passwaters (age 33) was enumerated in the census on 1 March 1885 in Rich Township, Anderson County, Kansas, USA, in the household of (?) Passwaters.7 Mary E. Passwater (wife, age 49) was enumerated in the census on 4 June 1900 in Greenwood, Jackson County, Missouri, USA, in the household of John P. Passwater.8 Mary E. Passwater (wife, age 59) was enumerated in the census on 16 April 1910 in Prairie Township, Jackson County, Missouri, USA, in the household of John P. Passwater.9

Children of Mary Eliza Johnson and Jesse M. Passwaters

Child of Mary Eliza Johnson and John P. Passwaters


  1. Illinois State Archives, Illinois Marriage Index, 1763-1900.
  2. Gilbert Luther Karr, Johnson Family Record.
  3. Death Certificate, Missouri Digital Heritage.
  4. 1860 US Census, Illinois.
  5. 1870 US Census, Illinois.
  6. 1880 US Census, Missouri.
  7. 1885 State Census, Kansas.
  8. 1900 US Census, Missouri.
  9. 1910 US Census, Missouri.
  10. FamilySearch, Iowa County Marriages, 1838-1934.
  11. 1925 State Census, Iowa.

George Silas Johnson1

#25582, b. 23 January 1854, d. 11 February 1938
     George Silas Johnson was born on 23 January 1854 in Dearborn County, Indiana, USA.1 He was the son of James Cloud Johnson and Elizabeth Hargitt.2,3,4 He married Esther C. Peasley on 17 March 1881 in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.5,1 He married Lois Irene Baughman on 26 February 1893 in Smithfield, Fulton County, Illinois, USA.1,6 He married Minnie Bell Giese on 14 October 1903 in Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois, USA.2 He died on 11 February 1938 in Kansas City, Missouri, USA, at age 84.1 He was buried in Sloan Cemetery, Baldwin Park, Cass County, Missouri, USA.7
     George Johnston (age 8) was enumerated in the census on 16 August 1860 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, in the household of James C. Johnston.3 George S. Johnson (age 15) was enumerated in the census on 1 July 1870 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, in the household of John W. Johnson. He was a laborer.4 George S. Johnson (age 16) was enumerated in the census on 2 July 1870 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, in the household of James C. Johnson. He was a farm laborer.4
     George S. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 3 June 1880 in Pleasant Hill Township, Cass County, Missouri, USA, as a farmer, age 26 with Mary Passwaters, James E. Passwaters and George M. Passwaters in his household.8
     George S. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 22 June 1900 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, as a farmer, age 46 with Mary E. Johnson and John W. Johnson in his household.9
     George S. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 30 April 1910 in Polk Township, Cass County, Missouri, USA, as a farmer, age 56 with Minnie B. Johnson, John W. Johnson, Edna Johnson and Lillie Johnson in his household.10
     George S. Johnston was enumerated in the census on 5 January 1920 in Polk Township, Cass County, Missouri, USA, as a farmer, age 65 with Minnie Johnston, Edna Johnston, Lilly Johnston, Lucy Johnston, George Johnston Jr., Richard Johnston and Della Johnston in his household.11
     George S. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 9 April 1930 in 1212 Taylor Street, Kansas City, Kansas, USA, as a widower, age 76 with Della Johnson in his household.12

Children of George Silas Johnson and Esther C. Peasley

Child of George Silas Johnson and Lois Irene Baughman

Children of George Silas Johnson and Minnie Bell Giese


  1. Gilbert Luther Karr, Johnson Family Record.
  2. FamilySearch, Illinois Marriages, 1815-1935.
  3. 1860 US Census, Illinois.
  4. 1870 US Census, Illinois.
  5., Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002.
  6. Illinois State Archives, Illinois Marriage Index, 1763-1900.
  7. Find A Grave.
  8. 1880 US Census, Missouri.
  9. 1900 US Census, Illinois.
  10. 1910 US Census, Missouri.
  11. 1920 US Census, Missouri.
  12. 1930 US Census, Kansas.

Richard Mason Johnson1,2

#25583, b. 3 January 1856, d. 11 June 1924
     Richard Mason Johnson was born on 3 January 1856 in Indiana, USA.2,3,4,5 He was the son of James Cloud Johnson and Elizabeth Hargitt.2,3,4,5 He married Eunia Alice Cabness on 5 October 1881 in Pleasant Hill, Cass County, Missouri, USA.6 He married Syrena Quincy Lynch on 4 December 1901 in Platte City, Platte County, Missouri, USA.7,2 He died on 11 June 1924 in Pleasant Hill, Cass County, Missouri, USA, at age 68.2 He was buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Cass County, Missouri, USA.1
     Richard M. Johnston (age 4) was enumerated in the census on 16 August 1860 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, in the household of James C. Johnston.3 Richard M. Johnson (age 14) was enumerated in the census on 2 July 1870 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, in the household of James C. Johnson.4 Richard M. Johnson (son, age 24) was enumerated in the census on 1 June 1880 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, in the household of James C. Johnson. He was a farmer.5
     Richard Johnson was enumerated in the census on 22 June 1900 in Polk Township, Cass County, Missouri, USA, as a farmer and widower, age 44 with Jesse Johnson, Earl Johnson, Bertha Johnson, Lizzy Johnson, Ethel Johnson and Edgar Johnson in his household.8
     Richard M. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 28 April 1910 in Polk Township, Cass County, Missouri, USA, as a farmer, age 52 with Serena J. Johnson, Elizabeth Johnson, Edgar W. Johnson, Howard J. Johnson and Elmer F. Johnson in his household.9
     Richard M. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 21 January 1920 in Polk Township, Cass County, Missouri, USA, as a farmer, age 64 with Syrenia Johnson, Howard Johnson and Floyd E. Johnson in his household.10

Children of Richard Mason Johnson and Eunia Alice Cabness

Children of Richard Mason Johnson and Syrena Quincy Lynch


  1. Gilbert Luther Karr, Johnson Family Record.
  2. Death Certificate, Missouri Digital Heritage.
  3. 1860 US Census, Illinois.
  4. 1870 US Census, Illinois.
  5. 1880 US Census, Illinois.
  6. FamilySearch, Missouri County Marriage Records, 1802-1969.
  7., Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002.
  8. 1900 US Census, Missouri.
  9. 1910 US Census, Missouri.
  10. 1920 US Census, Missouri.

William Robert Johnson1

#25584, b. 26 June 1858, d. 27 February 1946
     William Robert Johnson was born on 26 June 1858 in McLean County, Illinois, USA.2 He was the son of James Cloud Johnson and Elizabeth Hargitt.2,3,4,5 He married Harriet McComb on 26 July 1882 in McLean County, Illinois, USA.6,1 He married Della Fern Cheney on 9 February 1911 in Saybrook, McLean County, Illinois, USA.7 He died on 27 February 1946 in McLean County, Illinois, USA, at age 87.2
     Robert Johnston (age 2) was enumerated in the census on 16 August 1860 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, in the household of James C. Johnston.3 William R. Johnson (age 12) was enumerated in the census on 2 July 1870 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, in the household of James C. Johnson.4 William R. Johnson (son, age 21) was enumerated in the census on 1 June 1880 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, in the household of James C. Johnson. He was a farm laborer.5
     William Johnson was enumerated in the census on 1 June 1900 in Heyworth, McLean County, Illinois, USA, as a grocery store keeper and widower, age 41 with Homer Johnson, Dean Johnson, Mabel Johnson, Glenn Johnson and Elizabeth M. Johnson in his household.8
     W. R. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 16 April 1910 in Heyworth, McLean County, Illinois, USA, as a grocery merchant and widower, age 50 with Dean L. Johnson, Ethel Johnson, Mable Johnson and Glen Johnson in his household.9
     William R. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 6 January 1920 in Helt Township, Vermilion County, Illinois, USA, as a widower, age 61 with Mable Johnson and Kenneth C. Johnson in his household.10
     William R. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 8 April 1930 in Heyworth, McLean County, Illinois, USA, as a grocery store clerk, age 71 with Mabel Johnson and Kenneth Johnson in his household.11
     William Johnson was enumerated in the census on 1 April 1940 in Heyworth, McLean County, Illinois, USA, as a retired groceryman, age 81 with Mable Johnson in his household.12

Children of William Robert Johnson and Harriet McComb

Child of William Robert Johnson and Della Fern Cheney


  1. Gilbert Luther Karr, Johnson Family Record.
  2. FamilySearch, Illinois Deaths and Stillbirths, 1916-1947.
  3. 1860 US Census, Illinois.
  4. 1870 US Census, Illinois.
  5. 1880 US Census, Illinois.
  6. Illinois State Archives, Illinois Marriage Index, 1763-1900.
  7. FamilySearch, Illinois Marriages, 1815-1935.
  8. 1900 US Census, Illinois.
  9. 1910 US Census, Illinois.
  10. 1920 US Census, Illinois.
  11. 1930 US Census, Illinois.
  12. 1940 US Census, Illinois.
  13. FamilySearch, Illinois County Marriages, 1810-1940.

Sarah Jane Johnson1

#25585, b. 11 November 1860
     Sarah Jane Johnson was born on 11 November 1860 in McLean County, Illinois, USA.1 She was the daughter of James Cloud Johnson and Elizabeth Hargitt.2 She married James Franklin Myers on 15 March 1882 in McLean County, Illinois, USA.3
     Sarah J. Johnson (age 9) was enumerated in the census on 2 July 1870 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, in the household of James C. Johnson.2 Sarah J. Myers (wife, age 39) was enumerated in the census on 8 June 1900 in 2226 5th Avenue, Rock Island, Illinois, USA, in the household of Dr. J. F. Myers.4 Sarah J. Myers (wife, age 49) was enumerated in the census on 28 April 1910 in 2926 5th Avenue, Rock Island, Illinois, USA, in the household of James F. Myers.5 Sarah J. Myers (wife, age 59) was enumerated in the census on 2 January 1920 in 2926 5th Avenue, Rock Island, Illinois, USA, in the household of James F. Myers.6 Sarah J. Myers (great aunt, age 69) was enumerated in the census on 9 April 1930 in 662 East Cedar Street, LeRoy, McLean County, Illinois, USA, in the household of Lester Reeder.7

Children of Sarah Jane Johnson and James Franklin Myers


  1. Gilbert Luther Karr, Johnson Family Record.
  2. 1870 US Census, Illinois.
  3. Illinois State Archives, Illinois Marriage Index, 1763-1900.
  4. 1900 US Census, Illinois.
  5. 1910 US Census, Illinois.
  6. 1920 US Census, Illinois.
  7. 1930 US Census, Illinois.

Ada Johnson1,2

#25586, b. 22 February 1863, d. 12 March 1863
     Ada Johnson was born on 22 February 1863 in McLean County, Illinois, USA.1,2 She was the daughter of James Cloud Johnson and Elizabeth Hargitt.1 She died on 12 March 1863 in McLean County, Illinois, USA.1,2 She was buried in Heyworth Cemetery, McLean County, Illinois, USA.1,2


  1. Gilbert Luther Karr, Johnson Family Record.
  2. Find A Grave.

Charles Warren Johnson1

#25587, b. 18 March 1866, d. 14 January 1950
     Charles Warren Johnson was born on 18 March 1866 in McLean County, Illinois, USA.1 He was the son of James Cloud Johnson and Elizabeth Hargitt.2,1,3,4 He married Minerva Jane Yanney on 22 December 1889 in McLean County, Illinois, USA.5 He married Laura Etta Beck on 14 November 1894 in Perrysville, Vermillion County, Indiana, USA.2 He married Jennie May Cline on 30 January 1912 in Jackson County, Missouri, USA.6 He died on 14 January 1950 in Van Buren Township, Jackson County, Missouri, USA, at age 83.1
     Charles W. Johnson (age 4) was enumerated in the census on 2 July 1870 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, in the household of James C. Johnson.3 Charles W. Johnson (son, age 14) was enumerated in the census on 1 June 1880 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, in the household of James C. Johnson.4
     Charles W. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 26 June 1900 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, as a farmer, age 34 with Laura Etta Johnson, James F. Johnson, Charles Jacob Johnson, Reginald A. Johnson, Alice Ruth Johnson and Malinda May Johnson in his household.7
     Charles W. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 4 May 1910 in Van Buren Township, Jackson County, Missouri, USA, as a farmer, age 44 with Charles J. Johnson, Regnal A. Johnson, Alice R. Johnson, May Johnson, Maude Johnson and Minnie N. Johnson in his household.8
     Charles W. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 26 January 1920 in Van Buren Township, Jackson County, Missouri, USA, as a farmer, age 53 with Jennie Johnson, Minnie M. Johnson, Alma Johnson, Iris Johnson and Wallace Johnson in his household.9
     Charles W. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 10 April 1930 in Van Buren Township, Jackson County, Missouri, USA, as a farmer, age 64 with Jennie Johnson, Alma J. Johnson, Iris Johnson, Wallace C. Johnson, Louella Johnson and Leota Johnson in his household.10
     C. W. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 20 April 1940 in Van Buren Township, Jackson County, Missouri, USA, as a farmer, age 74 with Jennie Johnson, Iris Johnson, Wallace Johnson, Louella Johnson and Leota Johnson in his household.11

Children of Charles Warren Johnson and Minerva Jane Yanney

Children of Charles Warren Johnson and Laura Etta Beck

Children of Charles Warren Johnson and Jennie May Cline


  1. Death Certificate, Missouri Digital Heritage.
  2. FamilySearch, Indiana Marriages, 1811-2019.
  3. 1870 US Census, Illinois.
  4. 1880 US Census, Illinois.
  5. Illinois State Archives, Illinois Marriage Index, 1763-1900.
  6., Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002.
  7. 1900 US Census, Illinois.
  8. 1910 US Census, Missouri.
  9. 1920 US Census, Missouri.
  10. 1930 US Census, Missouri.
  11. 1940 US Census, Missouri.
  12. Gilbert Luther Karr, Johnson Family Record.

Albert Whitfield Johnson1

#25588, b. 10 April 1869, d. 28 June 1960
     Albert Whitfield Johnson was born on 10 April 1869 in McLean County, Illinois, USA.1 He was the son of James Cloud Johnson and Elizabeth Hargitt.2,3 He married Anna Bell Draper on 30 April 1889 in McLean County, Illinois, USA.4,1 He died on 28 June 1960 in Burris Nursing Home, Hickman Mills, Jackson County, Missouri, USA, at age 91.1 He was buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Cass County, Missouri, USA.5
     Albert W. Johnson (age 1) was enumerated in the census on 2 July 1870 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, in the household of James C. Johnson.2 Albert W. Johnson (son, age 11) was enumerated in the census on 1 June 1880 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, in the household of James C. Johnson.3
     Albert W. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 22 June 1900 in Randolph Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, as a day laborer, age 31 with Anna Johnson, Leta F. Johnson, Clarence Johnson, Albert Johnson and Howard Johnson in his household.6
     Albert W. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 4 May 1910 in Big Creek Township, Cass County, Missouri, USA, as a farmer, age 40 with Anna B. Johnson, Clarence F. Johnson, Albert G. Johnson, Howard Johnson, Hollie K. Johnson, Rhoda Johnson and Thurman Johnson in his household.7
     Albert W. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 19 January 1920 in Big Creek Township, Cass County, Missouri, USA, as a farmer, age 50 with Anna Johnson, Hollie Johnson, Rhoda Johnson, Thurman Johnson, Rowland Johnson and Leslie Johnson in his household.8
     Albert W. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 16 April 1930 in Big Creek Township, Cass County, Missouri, USA, as a farmer, age 60 with Anna B. Johnson, Thurman Johnson, Roland Johnson and Leslie Johnson in his household.9
     Albert W. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 30 April 1940 in Big Creek Township, Cass County, Missouri, USA, as a farm laborer, age 71 with Anna Johnson and Rholand Ford in his household.10

Children of Albert Whitfield Johnson and Anna Bell Draper


  1. Death Certificate, Missouri Digital Heritage.
  2. 1870 US Census, Illinois.
  3. 1880 US Census, Illinois.
  4. Illinois State Archives, Illinois Marriage Index, 1763-1900.
  5. Gilbert Luther Karr, Johnson Family Record.
  6. 1900 US Census, Illinois.
  7. 1910 US Census, Missouri.
  8. 1920 US Census, Missouri.
  9. 1930 US Census, Missouri.
  10. 1940 US Census, Missouri.

Alfred Elmer Johnson1

#25589, b. 10 April 1869, d. 1 December 1946
     Alfred Elmer Johnson was born on 10 April 1869 in Heyworth, McLean County, Illinois, USA.2 He was the son of James Cloud Johnson and Elizabeth Hargitt.2,3,4 He married Gertrude Washburn on 17 May 1890 in McLean County, Illinois, USA.5,1 He married Norma J. Short circa 1902.6 He married Hulda Augusta Peterson on 19 October 1915.1,2 He died on 1 December 1946 in Bloomington, Illinois, USA, at age 77.2
     Alfred C. Johnson (age 1) was enumerated in the census on 2 July 1870 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, in the household of James C. Johnson.3 Alford E. Johnson (son, age 11) was enumerated in the census on 1 June 1880 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, in the household of James C. Johnson.4
     Alfred E. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 1 June 1900 in Francesville, Pulaski County, Indiana, USA, as a salesman and widower, age 30.7
     Alfred E. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 20 April 1910 in 1004 South Lee Street, Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois, USA, as a clothing store salesman, age 41 with Norma Johnson and Jennie Johnson in his household.6
     Alfred A. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 3 January 1920 in 912 West Grove Street, Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois, USA, as a manufacturer of trusses, age 50 with Hulda Johnson in his household.8
     Alfred E. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 3 April 1930 in 912 West Grove Street, Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois, USA, as a manufacturer of trusses, age 60 with Hulda A. Johnson in his household.9
     Alfred Johnson was enumerated in the census on 10 April 1940 in 912 West Grove Street, Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois, USA, as a truss fitter, age 71 with Hulda Johnson in his household.10

Children of Alfred Elmer Johnson and Gertrude Washburn


  1. Gilbert Luther Karr, Johnson Family Record.
  2. FamilySearch, Illinois Deaths and Stillbirths, 1916-1947.
  3. 1870 US Census, Illinois.
  4. 1880 US Census, Illinois.
  5. Illinois State Archives, Illinois Marriage Index, 1763-1900.
  6. 1910 US Census, Illinois.
  7. 1900 US Census, Indiana.
  8. 1920 US Census, Illinois.
  9. 1930 US Census, Illinois.
  10. 1940 US Census, Illinois.

James Arthur Johnson1

#25590, b. 4 January 1871, d. 18 August 1957
     James Arthur Johnson was born on 4 January 1871 in McLean County, Illinois, USA.2,3 He was the son of James Cloud Johnson and Elizabeth Hargitt.3 He married Evelyn Mae Curry on 2 February 1892 in McLean County, Illinois, USA.4,2 He died on 18 August 1957 in Illinois, USA, at age 86.2 He was buried in Gillmore Cemetery, LeRoy, McLean County, Illinois, USA.5
     James A. Johnson (son, age 9) was enumerated in the census on 1 June 1880 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, in the household of James C. Johnson.3
     James Arthur Johnson was enumerated in the census on 20 June 1900 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, as a farmer, age 29 with Eva M. Johnson, Lewis H. Johnson, Hattie Emma Johnson and Tressie M. Johnson in his household.1
     James A. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 15 April 1910 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, as a farmer, age 39 with Evelyn M. Johnson, Lewis H. Johnson, Hattie E. Johnson, Tressie M. Johnson, James H. Johnson and Sylvia F. Johnson in his household.6
     James Johnson was enumerated in the census on 6 January 1920 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, as a farm laborer, age 49 with Evelyn Johnson, Herman Johnson, Bertha Johnson and Lyle Johnson in his household.7
     James A. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 8 April 1930 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, as a highway maintenance man, age 59 with Evlyn Johnson, Bertha Johnson and Lyle Johnson in his household.8
     J. A. Johnson was enumerated in the census on 10 May 1940 in Downs Township, McLean County, Illinois, USA, age 69 with Evelyn M. Johnson in his household.9

Children of James Arthur Johnson and Evelyn Mae Curry


  1. 1900 US Census, Illinois.
  2. Gilbert Luther Karr, Johnson Family Record.
  3. 1880 US Census, Illinois.
  4. Illinois State Archives, Illinois Marriage Index, 1763-1900.
  5. Find A Grave.
  6. 1910 US Census, Illinois.
  7. 1920 US Census, Illinois.
  8. 1930 US Census, Illinois.
  9. 1940 US Census, Illinois.