- (?), Ada S. to Anderson, Esther Lorene
- Anderson, Frank Norman to Babcock, William Lawrence
- Babcoke, Garold Frederick to Becraft, William M.
- Bedwell, Emma to Boomer, Willis James
- Boone, Stella Alice to Brown, Mary
- Brown, Mary to Buskirk, Daniel E.
- Buss, Darrell Dean to Charles, William Herbert
- Charteris, Catherine Turner to Conrad, Ruth Elizabeth
- Considine, Nellie to Crisman, Wilma
- Crismas, Ellen M. to Davidson, William
- Davidson, William to Dixon, Nancy
- Dobson, Dinah to Ellice, William
- Elling, Carl Emmert to Ferguson, William Shaw
- Ferrell, Aubrey Cloyd to Foulke, Theophilius
- Foulks, Albert G. to Gallow, Maggie
- Galloway, Christina to Gordon, William
- Gordon, William to Haggan, Ruth Elizabeth
- Haight, Mary Phillips to Hay, Helen
- Hay, Henry to Hitchcock, William
- Hite, Fidelia A. to Hutton, William Forfar
- Hyer, Josie to Johnson, Eliza Ann
- Johnson, Eliza Jane to Johnson, Marcella Jean
- Johnson, Margaret to Jones, Thomas Morgan
- Jordan, Adelle Mary to Knapp, William
- Knellwolf, Donald Paul to Lawrence, Ella Irene
- Lawrence, Ellen Louise to Lawrence, Rosanna
- Lawrence, Rosanna to Lennox, John Hood
- Lennox, Julia to MacKenzie, William Mitchell
- Mackert, Lydia A. to Mason, Susannah
- Massie, Alexander E. to McFarlane, Susan Ann
- McFeely, Juliet to Mead, William Morgan
- Meade, Robert Watt to Mitchell, Jane Elizabeth
- Mitchell, Jean to Morgan, Hiram Settle
- Morgan, Hiram Settle to Morgan, Shands
- Morgan, Shirley N. to Muchmore, William Breuleux
- Muir, John Elwood to Ord, Peter Gray
- Ornstein, Emil J. to Phillips, William
- Phillipy, Mary Jane to Renck, Florence Irene
- Rennie, Alexander to Robinson, William James
- Robson, Katie Ethel to Runnels, Mary Ann
- Runnels, Mary Kay to Seccombe, Ormonde William
- Sederberg, John to Small, Margaret Young
- Smart, Edith Stewart to Stevenson, William F.
- Steward, Edward John to Tanner, Robert R.
- Tantardino, Charlene Rae to Twigg, Thadeus
- Tyler, Myrtle to Watt, Williamina Gordon Matthew
- Watts, Edith to Williamson, William F.
- Willoughby, Elva to Yeager, George
- Yeager, George to Zink, Rome Doland
- Zoll, Edward to Zubell, Leone